The Handball Federation of Serbia has managed to organize a handball match on Saturday in the territory of Kosovo, while the team Hajduk Velko from the city of Negotin, Serbia, has entered and left Kosovo without being hindered by anyone. The official match between Hajduk Velko and the team Mokra Gora from Zubin Potok, which was played on Saturday night at the sports hall in Zubin Potok, took place within the so-called 16th round of the Super League B handball in Serbia.
KosovaPress sources from the north inform that the club from Serbia has entered illegally into the territory of Kosovo through the alternative mountain road Banje, located above Gate / 31 – Brnjak, which is also considered as the official border connecting Kosovo with Serbia. According to these sources, some superiors of the Kosovo Police from the northern region helped the team from Serbia to enter and leave the territory of Kosovo.