​Nitaj reacts to the appointment of the Infrakos Board, demands that the selection of the Chief Executive be suspended

​Nitaj reacts to the appointment of the Infrakos Board, demands that the selection of the Chief Executive be suspended

The Minister of Economy and Environment (MEA), Muharrem Nitaj has reacted to the appointment of the Infrakos Board. Nitaj in an official letter has asked the Board of Infrakos to suspend the selection of the new chief executive of this company on the grounds that in the selection process, the criteria of the competition have not been applied, but they have made this issue an act, with which they have committed offenses.

The press release further states that “Despite the fact that I, as a Minister and in the capacity of a shareholder of Infrakos, with an official letter since yesterday I have asked the board of Infrakos to suspend the selection of the new chief executive, on the grounds that, the criteria of the competition were not applied to the selection, they have made this issue an act, with which they have comitted an offence”.

Lexo edhe