​Kurti decorated by the Iowa Senate with the Iowa Outstanding Foreign Service Medal

​Kurti decorated by the Iowa Senate with the Iowa Outstanding Foreign Service Medal

During his official visit to the United States, the Prime Minister of the Republic, Albin Kurti has been honored by the Senate of Iowa.

With an official ceremony, he was decorated with the Iowa Outstanding Foreign Service Medal.

Kurti accepted the medal from Senator Zach Nunn with this motivation:

At the request of Polk County, Sen. Zach Nunn, the Senate recognizes and decorates Prime Minister Albin Kurti with the Iowa Outstanding Foreign Service Medal. This decoration, designed by Senator Zach Nunn, is a Maltese cross for character endurance, decorated with the coat of arms of the state of Iowa and marked with Iowa’s reference point, the Capitol, symbolizing commitment to service.

At the age of 22, Albin Kurti led the resistance against the Milosevic regime and contributed to achieving the freedom of the people of Kosovo.

When the war broke out in Kosovo, Kurti committed himself to territorial integrity with NATO, to resisting Serbian attacks, and helped rescue many Albanian families inside Kosovo.

In February 2020, Albin Kurti was elected Prime Minister of Kosovo and continued his unwavering partnership with the leaders of business, industry and agriculture in Iowa.

His active commitment between Kosovo and Iowa, the security partnership with the Iowa National Guard and the Kosovo Security Force, as well as his commitment to Iowa’s efforts in support of Afghanistan and Ukraine, mark his meritorious commitment. for international justice and peace.

We are grateful for your international service and dedication to Iowa.

Lexo edhe