​KIA still without a director, security experts say that political instability is undermining security issues

​KIA still without a director, security experts say that political instability is undermining security issues

It has been a month since the legal deadline for the appointment of the director of the Kosovo Intelligence Agency expired, but the position remains vacant as the incumbent prime minister and the acting president have not agreed on the name that should lead the institution. Hoti and Osmani violated the law on KIA by leaving this position vacant for more than 20 days, as defined by law. Security experts are assessing that political instability is also damaging security in Kosovo.

The incumbent Prime Minister, Avdullah Hoti and Vjosa Osmani, who is the country’s president, have not yet reached a consensus on the appointment of the new director of the Kosovo Intelligence Agency, since December 17, 2020, when Hoti demanded that Kreshnik Gashi resign from the position of the head of this institution. The Law on KIA specifies that “the president of the Republic of Kosovo together with the prime minister, jointly appoint the director of KIA within 20 working days from the day when the position remains vacant”.

Lexo edhe