​About 4300 Kosovars have been vaccinated with AstraZeneca, no problems so far

​About 4300 Kosovars have been vaccinated with AstraZeneca, no problems so far

The vaccination of the health personnel continues in the “October 1” hall. The medical staff of the private sector and those of the Kosovo Security Force are currently being vaccinated there. From the beginning of the vaccination until today, about 4,300 people have been vaccinated, while only at noon in this center with AstraZeenca, 95 doctors and nurses have been immunized.

The coordinator of the vaccination center in the hall “October 1”, Niman Bardhi stated that this immunization process in Kosovo continues to go without any trouble. He says today it will be decided when the vaccination of the elderly will start. In order to vaccinate all elderly people over the age of 80 and those with chronic diseases, Bardhi said that they will also hire a mobile vaccination team.


Lexo edhe