74 patients infected with COIVD-19 are being treated in Peja Hospital. From Peja Hospital have stated that 2 patients are on respirator, 48 others are on oxygen therapy, while 9 other patients are in more serious health condition.
“74 patients with Covid-19 are currently being treated in the General Hospital in Peja. Regarding the condition of the patients: 2 patients are on Respirator (CPAP), 48 patients are on Oxygen Therapy, out of these patients, 9 are in more serious condition, while 1 patient has been recovered from Covid-19 during the last 24 hours “, it said in the hospital announcement. On January 6 and 7, 2021 it the General Hospital in Peja, 431 patients received emergency medical treatment, and out of these patients, 37 were hospitalized for further treatment.