The achievement test will be held in two days, students will answer 200 questions
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2 year ago
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About 24 thousand students who have completed the ninth grade will undergo the achievement test, which this year will be held on two different days. This is due to the doubling of the number of questions in this test, and also the number of subjects, nine of them, which is considered high, will now be divided into two different tests.

The achievement test is an orientation test, which means that there is no passing threshold and depending on the result, the student is oriented to upper secondary education. The Head of the Division for Standards, Evaluation and Monitoring at the Ministry of Education, Fatmir Elezi, told KosovaPress that all preparations have already been made for the smooth running of this process. The first day of the test will be held on June 4, while the second day after ten days, on June 14...
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