A high level of air pollution in the capital, NIPHK gives some recommendations
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These days, Kosovo and especially the city of Pristina are facing high levels of air pollution.

The National Institute of Public Health of Kosovo says that air pollution is considered a risk to human health, especially for sensitive groups and those with diseases of the airways and respiratory organs.

That is why NIPHK gives recommendations to citizens to reduce the risk, when the air has high pollution values.

"Avoid going out in the city and to places with polluted air, especially in the morning and evening, especially people with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, children and pregnant women; Stay at home and do not open windows to ventilate rooms, while the high values persist; People who inevitably have to go out for their activities outside the home should use protective masks, cover their mouth and nose with a scarf", these were among the recommendations of NIPHK.

According to the NIPHK, the short-term health effects of air pollution on health include illnesses, hospitalizations, health complications and deaths.

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