Vetevendosje Movement criticized for lack of election program
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3 week ago
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Although we are on the thirteenth day of the election campaign in Kosovo, the ruling party, Vetevendosje Movement, has not yet published its election program. This is being criticized by political analysts, who say that this is a non-strategic move by Prime Minister Albin Kurti's party. According to them, the lack of an election program also shows the incompetence and arrogance of Vetevendosje Movement before the citizens. On the other hand, the Vetevendosje Movement has not responded as to why they have not published the election program and when they plan to do so.

Unlike the Vetëvendosje Movement, the Democratic Party of Kosovo, the Democratic League of Kosovo, and the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo have published their election programs.

Political science professor Dritëro Arifi tells KosovaPress that the lack of an election program by the Vetevendosje Movement shows its incompetence to present its offer to the citizens.

“The lack of an election program or promises, or the contract that the party, in this case the ruling party makes with its citizens or voters about what it will do in the next four years. I think the reason why there is no election program has to do with the fact that a kind of credibility has been broken. They are only promising things that they are talking about but are not written, detailed and harmonized with financial projects. It is an escape from reality because they are trying more to create a media show than to have a serious substantive election program... When the party in power, for four years, with all this political power, is not able to formulate at least a minimal program, this shows arrogance and a kind of incompetence. I would say both”, emphasizes Arifi.

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