Kurti in Davos: Kosovo is a small country, but it is an example of economic development
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Kosovo may not be a large country, with 1.6 million inhabitants, but it is an excellent example that economic growth and development go hand in hand with democracy and the rule of law.

This was said by the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, during a conversation at the Kosovo House in Davos with economist Ricardo Hausmann from Harvard University.

Prime Minister Kurti also emphasized that under his government, foreign direct investments have doubled, and he has fought crime and corruption, which, according to him, brought broad development, freedom for citizens and businesses.

“We have tremendously increased subsides and grants for farmers in our country. In addition we more than doubled FDI, and at the same time, we more than doubled the minimum wage. So in this dilemma regulation or investment, we said we're going to do both. We did more regulation by combating crime and corruption, but at the same time, we have increased Investment. So Kosovo might not be a big country, 1.6 million inhabitants, but it's a great example that economic growth and development goes hand in hand with democracy and rule of law”, said Kurti.

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