The camera, the eyes of the soul of Bregovina
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Although deprived of the ability to see, this is not stopping Betim Bregovina from from engaging in his favorite activity, which is photography. Today, his fifth personal exhibition titled, “Konaku” was held at the National Library of Kosovo.

He has focused attention on the most important and special elements of cultural heritage, such as “oda” and other details that often remain hidden in the midst of everyday life.

With a total of 28 photographs, Bregovina speaks about his passion.

Bregovina: The efforts for photography are great

"This makes it very difficult, but the motive, the love I have for this. Until childhood I had a small percentage, four, about five percent, up to ten percent vision, now I have less than one, I am close to complete blindness, now I can only distinguish light and shadows. The love for this, when it is explained to me that it is an object, I go and touch it with my hand and move away, taking the distance to take pictures. I probably make about 500 shots and I don't get it right. The efforts are great, but this exhibition is showing that they are not impossible", says Bregovina.

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