Minister Aliu talks about the technical examination of the Iber Bridge, shows whether it can be opened for vehicle traffic
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6 month ago
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The Minister of Infrastructure, Liburn Aliu, says that there is no reason for the bridge over the Iber river not to open, while noting that the technical examination of the bridge has already been done.

In an interview for KosovaPress, Minister Aliu said that the works on the Prishtina-Podujeva highway, which started about eight years ago, are expected to be completed at the end of 2024.

In addition, Aliu also talks about the works on the Pristina-Gjilan highway, for which he says that there were difficulties during the process.

He points out that nothing concrete can be promised about these works, as there have been collapses that completely changed the project.

Meanwhile, he emphasizes that the next goal remains the opening of the air corridor with Montenegro.

Aliu points out that according to the current dynamics, it is expected that at the end of this year there will be regular four-lane traffic on the Prishtina-Podujeva highway.

For KosovaPress, the Minister of Infrastructure, Liburn Aliu, says that the works on the Prishtina-Mitrovica road are expected to be completed within this year, but he does not promise the same for the Prishtina-Gjilan highway.

Apart from these, Aliu shows that the air corridor with Albania is in operation, adding that the aim is to open it with Montenegro as well.

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