'While the other teams finish the first stadium, Llap will have the second stadium', Batatina reveals details about the new stadium in Llap
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Llap is expected to have a new stadium, which will be according to European criteria. This is what the coach of the Llap team, Tahir Batatina, said in an interview for KosovaPress.

Batatina revealed in detail the "giant project" to build a new stadium in Llap, as its goal is for the Kosovo National Team to play matches in Llap and not only in Prishtina. Llap's coach said that he is waiting for the Municipal Assembly in Podujeva to allocate the plot for the construction of the "giant stadium", which is expected to have 12,000 seats.

Also, Batatina announced that the current "Zahir Pajaziti" stadium will serve the club's academy in the future, while he “stung” the rival teams by saying "while the other teams finish the first stadium, Llapi will have the second stadium".

The leaders of Llap and the Municipal Assembly in Podujeva are in talks about the plot which will be allocated to the club for the new stadium, the location of which according to Batatina will be in the village of Surkish. /A.Arifi/

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