Floodings in Ferizaj, the municipality ready to intervene in case of need 
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2 year ago
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The rains that are continuing today from Saturday have not caused flooding in the Municipality of Ferizaj.

Skender Kurti, the director of the emergency sector in this municipality, confirmed this for KosovaPress.

Kurti said that in general the situation is calm, according to him, in case of need, the teams are ready for intervention.

"In the municipality of Ferizaj, in general, the situation is calm, there are no floods. We have not had any cases reported so far, so we have the situation under control. Emergency management teams are on the ground monitoring the situation, and so far we are good... We are ready to intervene in any case," said Kurti.

On the other hand, the rains and the overflowing of the rivers caused flooding in the city of Gjakova and some villages in the municipality of Vushtrri, Istog and Peja.

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