​Western Balkans Investment Framework Investment Grants and Technical Assistance Applications are approved

​Western Balkans Investment Framework Investment Grants and Technical Assistance Applications are approved

Today was held the meeting of the Commission for Strategic Planning, chaired by the incumbent Prime Minister, Avdullah Hoti. The meeting approved three applications with which Kosovo will apply in the 25th round of technical assistance of the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF), to develop projects such as Rehabilitation and construction of infrastructure for flood protection along the rivers Drini i Bardhe, Sitnica and Morava e Binçes”, “Construction of the hydro system “Iber-Lepenc”, and for “Improvement of the infrastructure in the institutions of higher education”.

The application for the 6th round of WBIF investment grants for the Peace Highway, Besi-Merdar section, worth 38 million euros, was also approved. These funds are expected to be added to the same value grant already approved in December by WBIF, and this is expected to bring the total benefit value for this project to € 76 million from WBIF grants or 40% of the total project cost.


Lexo edhe