Kurti in Mitrovica: The victory is 500 votes on February 9
Elections 2025
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The candidate for prime minister and the chairman of the LVV, Albin Kurti, started and ended the campaign tonight in Mitrovica with the words 'I have two hearts behind me, both thanks to you, Mitrovica'.

Speaking about the government's achievements, he mentioned paved roads in the north, the registration of more than 300 businesses, the creation of jobs, support for Trepça, while pledging that after the victory in the February 9 elections there will be economic development, a multidimensional program with support of over one billion euros, sports infrastructure and investments in the Pristina-Durres railway, and many other areas.

He said that unlike the opposition parties, his government has used the alliance with the West to strengthen the army and protect the border of Kosovo.

The leader of the VV has emphasized that there will never be rule of criminal gangs, circulation of illegal license plates and production of cryptocurrencies in the north.

He has reiterated that the right solution and victory is 500 votes for number 118 on election day.

"After our victory of over half a million hearts, we will have support of up to 1 billion euros for medium and large investments in manufacturing enterprises, we will have a multidimensional program for tourism, investments of up to 500 million euros in the tourist complex in Brezovica in partnership with private investors, we will complete the sports infrastructure of over 200 million euros for 20 stadiums in 18 municipalities, in partnership with private investors... We will make increasingly large investments of the factory ammunition, but also for other enterprises from the field of military economy...", said Kurti.

The current Minister of the Interior, at the same time a candidate for deputy Xelal Sveçla spoke about the work of the institutions in terms of security, mentioning especially the ongoing challenges in the north.

We recall that on January 11, the campaign of political entities for the parliamentary elections of February 9, which are the first in Kosovo after the declaration of independence to be held within the regular deadline, officially began.

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