Kamberi: Serbia is using religious facilities in Kosovo for illegal activities, an urgent investigation is needed
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Kamberi: Serbia is using religious facilities in Kosovo for illegal activities, an urgent investigation is needed
2 months ago
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Serbia is using religious facilities in Kosovo to facilitate illegal financial activities, for which the civil society activist, Kaltrina Kamberi, has said that the institutions should take immediate action to investigate and dismantle the illegal activities.

"Those who use religious institutions for illegal purposes should be prosecuted", she said.

Kamberi, has reacted after a chronicle where illegal activity is revealed in the Gracanica Monastery, where Serbian dinars are still exchanged despite the ban by the Central Bank of Kosovo.

She recalled how Serbia also used the Banjska Monastery for planning terrorism.

"As usual, Serbia using religion as a cover for illegal and criminal activities is not surprising. A prime example is the Banjska Monastery, which has become a center for terrorist planning, with a large cache of weapons discovered there linked to the Serbian terrorists involved in the Banjska attack. It seems that Serbia is now using religious facilities to facilitate illegal financial activities, as seen in the Graçanica Monastery, where Serbian dinars are still being exchanged despite the ban by the Central Bank of Kosovo", she wrote in X.

According to Kamber, the use of religious places to promote criminal behavior should not be tolerated.

"The institutions of Kosovo must take immediate action to investigate and dismantle these illegal activities. The continued use of religious sites to circumvent laws and promote criminal behavior cannot be tolerated. Kosovo must consistently enforce its laws, including banning the Serbian dinar, and ensure that those who use religious institutions for illegal purposes are prosecuted, including so-called priests who agree to cooperate in such illegal acts. . It is vital that the Kosovo authorities show unwavering determination in protecting its sovereignty, in preserving the rule of law and preventing Serbia from using religion as a tool for destabilization", she emphasized.

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