Gjilas: Ana Brnabić carried out a coup, closed the Serbian parliament
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Gjilas: Ana Brnabić carried out a coup, closed the Serbian parliament
2 months ago
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The President of the SSP, Dragan Gjilas, said in the Assembly, after the session was interrupted due to the incidents, that "Ana Brnabić closed the Assembly of Serbia".

As Gjilas said at the beginning of his speech, "Ana Brnabić carried out a coup d'état in Serbia on the orders of Aleksandar Vuçiqit".

"He closed the parliament, he closed the possibility of parliamentary debate, he closed the Assembly of Serbia". She started it when she refused to put on the agenda the request of more than 80 members of the opposition for a debate on the confidence in the government because of the murder and crime in Novi Sad and then she ended it all with her caricature. leading the session, where she invited someone to speak and said, after that she finished the discussion and left the day for voting", said Gjilas.

Serbia, he says, is "affected by a terrible crime."

"In which 15 people were killed, crimes continue every day, the incident with a 74-year-old man in Novi Sad shows that new accidents happen every day, because everything is collapsing." We all live under the same roof of the SNS and their organized criminal group, which invaded Serbia," he says.

Speaking about today's events in the Parliament, he says that "everything that has been seen happened as a result of the behavior of the ruling majority and the refusal to put the debate on the Government on the agenda".

"We have fought for our rights and represented 1,400,000 people who voted for us. Everyone could see who was swinging the punch, as Becic sent Tepić away and then Novaković. Everything was seen and nothing could be hidden", says Gjilas.

The question, he adds, is what will happen tomorrow, not in the parliament, but with Serbia.

"With a country governed by such people, willing to do anything to maintain power, because for them power is a matter of the life they live." We will fight for the will of the citizens to be respected and for all those who are part of an organized criminal group and whose actions or inactions have led to the murder of 15 people, end up in prison, from Vuçiqi in Bërnabiq, all the people. in that system which led to the fact that 15 people were killed", he said.

He added that "only democratic means will be used in this war"./N1


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