The works for the transformation of this road in the Capital begin
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Today, the works for the transformation of "Rexhep Luci" street in Prishtina have started, a project that aims to transform this space into a safer, functional and green area for pedestrians.

The beginning of the works was inaugurated by the mayor of Pristina and the director for Capital Investments and Contract Management, Krenar Xhaferi, who emphasized the importance of this project for the citizens of this area.

"This investment includes the use of stone materials, the addition of trees and the creation of an integrated environment that connects to the upper part of the city. With a modern and ecological design, "Rexhep Luci" street is expected to become a model of urban transformation in the capital city", quoted Rama on Facebook.

Meanwhile, the directorate for Capital Investments and Contract Management has shown the duration of the works.

"The works are expected to be completed within 120 days. We will start with the underground part and then around February we will start with the arrangement of the space above, which is connected to the Ministry of Culture", Xhaferi is quoted as saying.

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