AAK MP candidate Diellza Kukaj opposes the handbook on "sexual education"
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The candidate for deputy in the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Diellza Kukaj, has mentioned some of the failures, as she called them, of the Government of Kosovo.

She also mentioned the handbook on "sexual education", calling it shocking and unacceptable.

Full reaction of candidate for deputy Diellza Kukaj:

The failures of this government do not end only with the internal and external policy, with the international isolation of the country or with the sanctions that weigh on Kosovo. Now they have turned the blows on the family, undermining this ancient and fundamental structure of our society. This handbook has no place in our schools or in our society. We demand that the education system focus on real and quality education, and not serve as a tool for anti-national policies!

The "sex education" handbook drawn up by Albin Kurti's government is not only shocking and unacceptable, but it is a shameful attempt that violates our family and national values. At a time when our schools suffer for quality education and our percentages in international tests like PISA are below the lowest standards, the Government is focused on scandalous and destructive initiatives. Instead of committing to improving the quality of education and bringing real changes to our classrooms, this Government is trying to harm our future, using education as a field to experiment with harmful policies with devastating consequences!

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