Events of November 1
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Events of November 1
3 months ago
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The PePeKo association organizes the food sector forum - the fourth edition. (Hotel "Emerald" Pristina, 9:00 a.m.)

A court session is held in the case of the arrest of a Serb in connection with the tragic event in Prizren. (Palace of Justice, Pristina, 9:30 a.m.)

The Agency for Gender Equality in cooperation with the Kosovo Center for Gender Studies organizes the regular consultative meeting, on the eve of the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Platform, the 24th anniversary of Resolution 1325 Women Peace and Security. (Hotel "Emerald" Pristina, 10:00-12:00)

In memory and honor of the hero Afrim Zhitia, all the fallen and demonstrators of 1989, the Movement Society unveils the memorial plaque in the place where Afrim Zhitia gave a speech to the people who were demonstrating against the violence, terror and repression exercised by the occupier. (Str. "Haxhi Zeka" number 400, Prishtina, 10:00 a.m.)

The Kosovo Fund for Energy Efficiency holds the ceremony of signing agreements with the beneficiary municipalities for the project "Implementation of energy efficiency measures for multi-residential social buildings". (Kosovo Fund for Energy Efficiency, former Bank of Ljubljana, seventh floor, Pristina, 10:00 a.m.)

AAK President Ramush Haradinaj pays tribute to the statue of the hero Zahir Pajaziti in Pristina. (10:00 a.m.)

Parliamentary investigative committee on the process of subsidizing the purchase of textbooks and teaching aids for primary and lower secondary students for the 2023/2024 school year - interviewing witnesses: Fadile Dyla, general secretary of MASHTI, Avni Rexha, Acting Director of the Department of Pre-University Education, Genc Hamzaj, Information Society Agency - ASHI. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-204, 13:30 p.m.)

Feronikeli 74 Football Club holds an extraordinary media conference after the decision on the final draw from all the seeds of the Kosovo Football Federation. (Stadium "Rexhep Rexhepi" Drenas, 14:30)

The municipality of Vushtrri organizes the poetry festival. (Cultural Center "Hasan Prishtina" Vushtrri, 17:00)

AAK President Ramush Haradinaj meets with the leadership structures of the Alliance's branch in Viti, where the candidates for deputies from the Viti branch will be presented. (Restaurant Rio, in front of the House of Culture, in the city center, 17:30).

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