The Minister of the Interior of Albania, Ervin Hoxha, reacted this morning regarding the arrest of the leader of the PL, Ilir Meta, the day before, October 21.
Meta was arrested near the Kamza bend while he was driving.
"So, the State Police yesterday performed its duty and was forced to perform it using force, for all that I clarified above, referring to the dynamics of the event, not the desire, how it would have been better if it happened or not happened". he writes among other things.
Full reaction:
The vocabulary has been extreme for how the order of the Special Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office was executed against the citizen in question.
Heavy labels were used against the Police and its officers were accused of guilt, which they did not do, and the reaction to the forceful resistance of the person they had the duty to stop was taken out of the context of the event.
I do not want to make any controversy with the gentlemen and ladies engaged, on the screens of this discussion.
Last night, beyond the well-known positions, they also had the advantage of the spectator in making judgments, outside the dynamics and tension of the event.
For the implementation of the Court's decision, operatives of the Operational Mobility Force, a special force trained and specialized to follow the standard protocols according to the case, and not employees of the Order, which is a daily service force, were engaged.
They were unfortunately faced with a subject who strongly objected to submitting to the Court's decision as soon as he learned of it.
All the taste, certainly not good, of the scene that was created is related to this fact.
If the citizen Ilir Meta had not opposed the execution of the decision, the dynamics of the event would not have produced anything other than his peaceful transition from the private vehicle to the police escort vehicle.
Even according to the preparatory analysis of the operation, in other circumstances, the result could have been even more problematic for the taste of those who last night treated the Police as the authors of a violent operation.
But unfortunately and surprisingly, all of them "forgot" that only her violent opposition and nothing else made the forced escorting of the citizen Ilir Meta inevitable. As a result, the disturbing scene!
With their extreme vocabulary towards its effectives, no and no. Never ever.
And finally, I find it necessary to underline an absolute and completely banal truth. When the State Police, not in Albania, but everywhere in the world, receives an arrest warrant, it has not many options available, but only one: To arrest the wanted person and period. He can neither inform him, nor invite him, nor coordinate with him, the place and the time of detention. All these are not simply impossible, but are criminal offenses punishable by imprisonment.