The Basic Court in Pristina, including its branches, has received the largest number of cases related to jubilee salaries, with a total of 3 cases. Contrary to this, the Basic Court in Gjakovë with its branches has accepted the smallest number of such cases, with only 677, which is approximately 214 times less than in the Prishtina region. This was announced by the Kosovo Institute for Justice (IKD), in the report: "The cost of unpaid jubilee salaries".
Likewise, the analysis of the IKD shows that the average amount approved for jubilee salary cases in a judicial process is approximately 1 euros.However, the student of the Legal Clinic within the IKD, Lauresa Gashi, said that there has been a slight decrease in the number of cases related to jubilee salaries that are accepted within a year.
On the other hand, the student Gent Bunjaku said that the data related to the case load in each court during the last three years is in relation to the population of each region, respectively per 100 thousand inhabitants.Meanwhile, Fjolla Maksuti, a student from the IKD Legal Clinic, said that the average amount approved for jubilee salary cases in a judicial process is approximately 1 thousand 300 euros. Adding that the annual expenses paid by the state for jubilee salaries have reached up to 10 million euros,
Meanwhile, Arrita Rezniqi, program manager at the Kosovo Institute for Justice (IKD), during the presentation of the report, said that the Ministry of Finance through the government should allocate the necessary budget for the municipalities regarding jubilee salaries.