Rizvanolli in Greece: Raw materials such as lithium should not be secured by strengthening autocratic regimes
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The Minister of Economy Artane Rizvanolli has represented Kosovo at the Southeast European Energy Forum (SEEF 2024) in Thessaloniki, Greece.
Ministers of countries in the region and representatives from the US Department of Energy participated in the forum, where various topics were discussed about the future of energy in the region, dealing with energy crises, orientation towards green energy and other energy sources. renewed.
Rizvanolli was part of the ministerial panel "Energy cooperation in South-East Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean region: A return for energy security in the EU", where together with the counterparts from Greece Theodore Skylakakis, Sanja Bozhinovska North Macedonia, Vladimir Malinov Bulgaria and the Romanian Sebastian Burduja, have discussed energy cooperation in the region.
On this occasion, among others, Minister Rizvanolli emphasized that raw materials such as lithium cannot be secured by strengthening autocratic regimes with tendencies to destabilize the region. She has assessed that cooperation with partners with whom we share values is extremely important for the region's energy security.