The Association of Municipalities responds to Nagavac for new nurseries
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The Association of Kosovo Municipalities has reacted to the Minister of Education, Arbërie Nagavci, who says that "MESTI has no request from the municipalities for new nurseries".

In the reaction of the Association, you said that: The facts are facts and they are undeniable - municipalities make unsolicited requests to MEST for new nurseries.

"Minister Nagavci, Yes, the municipalities of the Republic of Kosovo need public nurseries and have made unsolicited requests to the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI). The Mayors of the Municipalities estimate that the services offered by the nurseries are very important for the development of children. For example The Municipality of Kaçanik has made a request to MESTI, presenting the construction permit, the decision of the Municipal Assembly and other supporting documents, but this request has not received any response. For the municipality of Vitia; it was decided to build a nursery, but MESTI, in the tendering procedures, which it led itself, has decided to cancel its decision and to transfer this project to another municipality. Also, the municipality of Viti has made another request approved by the municipality, but it has not received a response from MESTI. The municipality of Prizren has made and is making requests to MESTI, but these requests are rejected or not approved. The municipality of Istog has been waiting for the completion of a nursery school which has been started to be built by MESTI for several years. The municipality of Istog is ready to finish this building, but it is not allowed by MESTI to continue the works. The Municipality of Peja has requested only 100 additional beds for a public nursery, but has not received any response from MESTI. The municipality of Ferizaj has also made a request, but MESTI has said that it can support projects for the construction of nurseries only in urban areas, but not in rural areas. Minister Nagavci, citizens live in rural areas and not only in urban areas. The municipality of Deçan has sent two requests to MESTI for the adaptation of two old schools into daycare centers and two other requests for the construction of two new daycare centers, but they have not received a response," the response states.

The association points out that the Municipality of Drenas has 2 nurseries under renovation/adaptation of school annexes and has allocated two locations for the construction of new nurseries which are in the process.

"In the municipality of Suhareka, the only nursery which has started to be financed by MESTI, that for several years no action has been taken and this has remained unfinished. These are facts and as a conclusion, municipalities have always made requests for the construction of new nurseries. Municipalities, even with self-financing, such as the municipalities of Lipjan, Rahovec, Mitrovica, Suhareka, etc., seeing the need for nurseries and the unmet demand of citizens, have built public nurseries. So, it can be seen that the municipalities are more efficient in building new nurseries in relation to MESTI. This is just some information from some municipalities, if we were to mark all the municipalities, then it is not known how many requests have been addressed to you. Minister Nagavci, all these which are mentioned above are also documented".

According to the Association, MESTI's approach to the Municipalities in their requests is not correct and is extremely demotivating and discouraging because the requests of the municipalities are not being supported.

"This approach is demotivating the municipalities to make new requests. There are municipalities where the buildings for daycare were built with the municipal funds, but they cannot be functionalized because MESTI must allow new jobs for professionals in this field", says the reaction.

At the end it is said that "request, which has been for several years; it is good for MESTI to cooperate and encourage the municipalities in solving the problems, which problems are many in the field of education, and not only to blame".

Minister Arbërie Nagavci said a few days ago in a media that they currently have no request for the construction of new nurseries from any municipality.

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