Trust, this is the financial value of investment returns
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The Kosovo Pension Savings Fund (FKPK) has reached the value of 3 billion euros of net assets under management at the end of August 2024.

The Trust announces that during the period January-August 2024 the assets under management increased by more than 300 million euros compared to the end of 2023.

"The rise of this eight month period came from new contributions, about 200 million euros, and the return on investments of about 165 million euros. But at the same time, about 60 million euros were deducted from the fund for monthly pension payments and other expenses", the Kosovo Pension Savings Fund (FKPK) announced.

It is further stated that since the beginning of the operation of FKPK (in 2002), the first one-billionth of net assets under management was reached in 2014, while two-billionth in 2021.

FKPK points out that assessed as a whole, the funds that FKPK currently has under management consist of pension savings payments from contributors (around 78% or €2.34 billion) and return from investments (around 22% or €660 million).

"In addition to the current funds under management, from the establishment until now, about €675 million have been withdrawn from the beneficiaries of the FKPK (including here also about €200 million from the premature withdrawal for the 10%)", informs the Trust .

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