Asset sale transactions for liquidation are approved 67
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The Board of Directors of the Kosovo Privatization Agency today approved 67 liquidation asset sale transactions, of which 5 approvals and 6 rejections, as well as reviewed 65 recommendation reports for direct sale of which 16 assets were approved for direct sale while 49 were rejected. .

The communiqué states that the Board approved the leasing through public tender of five derivatives pumps according to the announcement dated July 26, 2024, as well as two assets for direct leasing, one of which has 10 units.

After reviewing the request by the board of the social enterprise Inex Ski Center in Brezovica, an additional investment of 35 euros was approved, mainly in the repair of cable cars and the purchase of a snow press.

Also, the reports on the distribution of funds in liquidation for the enterprises "Barnatorja Popullore" Ferizaj, KB Malisheva and KBI Agrokultura were approved. 

The board was informed about the final report of the liquidation process of the social enterprise "Mamusha" and with this it instructed that the report be sent to the Special Chamber and after this procedure the closure of the enterprise follows.

Regarding the expropriations, the Board made a decision to give consent for the registration/transfer in the cadastral books of the real estate, the object of the former social enterprise "Liria" Prizren, for the realization of the project "Creation of spaces for the mobility of traffic and pedestrians", based on of assessment by the Ministry of Finance.

It also took a decision to give consent for registration/transfer in the cadastral books of the Landovice immovable property for the realization of the "City of Prizren Cemetery" project, property of the social enterprise Vreshtaria Prizren, based on the assessment by the Ministry of Finance in accordance with the decision final to the Government of Kosovo, for expropriation dated 13.12.2023.

The Board also approved the action plan for implementing the recommendations of the audit report of the Direct Selling Division by the National Audit Office.

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