How "dry brushing" affects the color of the teeth
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People tend to make mistakes when brushing their teeth that can result in yellowing teeth.

British dentist Ferakh Hamid of Aesthetique Dental Care in Leeds, said many people make the same mistakes, but they can be easily corrected.

The first mistake is not cleaning the toothbrush before washing, as they believe that this will help remove stains. But Hamid said so-called 'dry brushing' can actually make teeth less shiny and therefore more yellow.

Before you start brushing your teeth, it is good to wet the brush. This small step makes it easier to get the paste all over your teeth, making cleaning more effective. Dry brushing may seem good at first for removing surface stains, but without water, toothpaste doesn't spread well, he told the Daily Mail.

Another mistake is brushing your teeth too soon after consuming acidic drinks such as fruit juices, wine, sodas and foods such as oranges, which weaken tooth enamel.

Brushing your teeth while the enamel is weakened can make your teeth more yellow as the enamel wears away and exposes the yellow layer underneath.

To avoid this, it is best to wait a while after eating acidic food before brushing your teeth. Many dentists recommend waiting at least an hour after consuming acidic foods and drinks before brushing your teeth to allow the enamel to recover.

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