Kurti: The private sector is important for employment and economic growth
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Out of seven thousand and 500 applicants for grants for businesses, 901 applicants have benefited from the Program for Balanced Regional Development 2024, worth seven million euros.

In the ceremony of signing the contracts with the beneficiaries of PZHRB 2024, the Prime Minister of the country, Albin Kurti, said that the Government of Kosovo is committed to supporting the private sector, which is an important factor of employment and economic growth of our country.

Albin Kurti added that this program aims at equal socio-economic development, through the creation of new jobs and the growth of new and productive businesses.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Regional Development, Fikrim Damka, has added that with this program, this ministry is investing in the future of Kosovo, ensuring that no region is left behind.

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