The only Albanian deputy in the Assembly of Serbia, Shaip Kamberi, reacted strongly to the statements of Aleksandar's party partner. Vuçiq from the ruling SNS party on today's protest in Bujanoc.
Dragan Stevanovic Boske, senior official of SNS, has stated that the protest in Bujanoc is not about the rights of Albanians but, allegedly, about the loss of power in Bujanoc."Until you consult and cooperate with Kurt, you don't." Vuçiq, not even the Albanians themselves will vote for you", Boske had declared, recalls Kamberi.
He said that Boske should show what he and his party that has governed the state since 2012 have done for Bujanoci and its citizens, the privatization of Bujanoci Baths, the opening of jobs and also show how many Albanians are employed in state institutions run by the SNS.
"The Godfather of the Bujanoci coalition, before telling the Albanians who to listen to and who to consult, it would be better to extend his influence to the Government, where he is functioning and start with the implementation of the 7-point Plan . Until then, after he was extremely proud of the coalition he managed to form in Bujanoc, should he not forget to show how many promises he made to the previous government in Presevo? He made coalitions there as well. Finally, the subordinate of the declarer "if you kill one Serb, we will kill 100 Muslims", looks simply ridiculous when he calls Albin Kurti a "murderer", concluded Kamberi.