10 cases of tuberculosis have been hospitalized and are currently being treated at the Pulmonology Clinic at the University Clinical Center of Kosovo (KKUK). Until the first six months of this year, 108 cases of tuberculosis were presented in this clinic, this number is the same as this period last year.
The director of pulmonology, Musa Hoxha, in an interview for KosovaPress, says that until June of this year, 84 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis, 20 with extrapulmonary and 4 others with that latency have been presented.Hoxha mentions that 10 cases are currently being treated with antitubercular drugs at the Pulmonology Clinic.
He shows that since the war they have been supplied with drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis.Also, he expresses the need to increase the number of nurses to respond to the needs of patients.
Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease that mainly affects the lungs. Its causative agent, mycobacterium tuberculosis, or Koh bacillus, is transmitted by splashes of saliva or phlegm when the infected person talks, sneezes or coughs.