About 30 clinical pharmacy specialists are unable to practice their profession in public health institutions in Kosovo, as they say due to technical issues with the statute of the University Clinical Center of Kosovo (QKUK) and the University Hospital and Clinic Service of Kosovo (SHSKUK) ).
Reviewing patient therapy, assessing the appropriateness of drug efficacy, checking for drug interactions or drug interactions, and dosing therapy are some of the duties and responsibilities performed by clinical pharmacists.He points out that for several years, the specialists were financed by the Ministry of Health, with a value of half a million euros, but nothing was undertaken after that.
For KosovaPress, while Haxijaha shows some of the functions that Clinical Pharmacy specialists can perform, he points out that for almost six years now, they have been asking the Ministry of Health, the KKUK and the SHSKUK to be organized in these health institutions or regional hospitals. but they are not getting positive answers.Regarding this, KosovaPress has tried to get answers from the KKUK and the SHSKUK, but they have not responded until the publication of this article.
Among other things, during the interview, Clinical Pharmacy specialist Astrit Haxhijaha also talks about the phenomenon of patients' therapy being replaced by pharmacists in pharmacies.
In such cases, Haxijaha says that the Health Inspectorate should be notified to see closely whether there is any violation or misunderstanding by pharmacies.