The flow of patients increases as a result of high temperatures
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1. Citizens summer 2022 (21 of 21) (8)
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Fatigue, muscle pain, headache, dizziness, diarrhea and vomiting are some of the symptoms that could be caused by exposure to high temperatures.

And with the rise in temperatures in our country, the demand of patients to receive medical services in health institutions has also increased.

The head of the Family Medicine Center in Prishtina, Valdet Hashani, in an interview for KosovaPress, says that the flow of patients who have sought treatment in recent days due to the change in weather has increased by 20 percent.

It shows that the elderly, patients with chronic diseases and children are the most frequent cases that require medical treatment as a result of the heat.

"With the increase in temperatures, which were enormous compared to a week earlier. From the normal 23-25 ​​degrees, the temperatures rose to 38 to 40 degrees Celsius... With the rise of these temperatures, we also had an influx of patients and we can say that their number has increased by over 20 percent, not only in the QKMF but in all the units that we have within the QKMF, whether they are Family Medicine or even clinics in the village older patients, who have chronic diseases, be it cardiovascular, mental health, or patients who take drugs, substances or other drugs, have also increased in number of patients who are children or young , especially gastroenteritis due to possible infections, due to the decline of immunity", Hashani says.

While showing the symptoms that patients may face due to long exposure to the sun, Hashani says that when temperatures are high, fast foods, energy drinks and carbonated ones should be avoided.

He emphasized that in addition to water, to avoid the risk of bacterial or viral infections, patients should consume more fruits, vegetables and salads.

Among other things, the head of the KKMF in Prishtina, Valdet Hashani, says that as a result of high temperatures, the human body becomes dehydrated, affecting the reduction of immunity, thickening of the blood and more frequent pumping of the heart.

In addition to these, Hashani emphasizes that during the summer, lighter colored clothes should be worn to reflect the sun's rays and recommends that patients carry umbrellas.

During these days, the Ministry of Health, the National Institute of Public Health (IKSHPK) and the Hydrometeorological Institute of Kosovo (IHK) have given recommendations to citizens. They advise not to be exposed to direct sunlight between 10:00 and 16:00 and to take protective measures to prevent the impact of heat.

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