Haradinaj: Commitment to NATO member Kosovo will never stop
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The chairman of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, said that the progress of Kosovo will be realized by grateful people, who respect and stand by those who united the rifles in the War of Liberation, America and the entire democratic world.

Haradinaj made this statement at the end of the Has Martyrs' Week.

"Has joined the Liberation War from its beginning. In Has we found our shelter, but we also found many good fellow fighters. At the end of the Has Martyrs' Week, I congratulated them on the 'Gate of Freedom', where the names of the to the Hasians who fell on the fronts of freedom, and who with their labor and blood destroyed forever the border that unfairly separated Hasi and the Albanians for decades," said Haradinaj.

Haradinaj added that Kosovo will be developed by the people who stand by those who united their rifles in the liberation war together with America.

"I assured the families of the fallen, the fellow soldiers, the citizens of Has, and especially the new generation, that our commitment to a safe Kosovo, a member of NATO, will never stop. Kosovo's progress, its economic progress and development , will be realized by grateful people, who respect and stand by those who joined the rifles with us in the War of Liberation, America and the whole democratic world", said Haradinaj.

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