VV in Pristina calls an extraordinary session for the election of the chairman
The Municipal Councilors in the Municipality of Pristina have deposited signatures to call an extraordinary session.
In the announcement of this group, it is said that there is only one item on the agenda for the election of the Chairman of the Municipal Assembly.
"Two weeks have already passed since the dismissal of the Chairman of the Municipal Assembly and we still have not seen any concrete results in terms of the appointment of a new chairman from the party in power in Pristina, LDK, and the Chairman Përparim Rama. The Assembly continues to remain non-functional and it has been three months since no regular meeting has been held. "Many essential issues for the city, regulations and projects, points of discussion and decisions, requests and complaints, have remained pending and not addressed by those who are elected and competent for this work, the municipal councilors", the announcement states.
According to the LVV, this total blockade, where accountability and transparency are missing, is obviously only suitable for the municipal authorities.
"With the aim of unlocking the created situation and returning normality and functionality to the assembly, the VETËVENDOSJE Movement! in Pristina announces to the public opinion that we will not propose any assemblyman from our group for the chairperson of the municipal assembly, despite the fact that we are the first party in the Capital", it is said further.
This group has called on all political subjects to go to the meeting and jointly contribute to turning the Municipal Assembly of Pristina from an assembly of solemn and extraordinary meetings into a regular and productive assembly.
Otherwise, Pëllumb Bajqinovci has been dismissed from the position of chairman of the Municipal Assembly of Pristina, in the extraordinary session on February 27.