Germany with strict conditions: Many people live at the expense of the state, they have to work
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Refugees arriving in Germany no longer have to receive cash in hand, but so-called 'credits' on their payment card. The federal and state governments are currently discussing changes to benefits for asylum seekers.

The federal government should create conditions for a single payment card throughout the country, the premiers of the federal states, with the exception of Bremen, demand in a joint resolution.

Germany's FDP wants to reduce the level of benefits for migrants, so it should be possible under strict conditions to reduce the level of compensation to almost zero if it is clear that another EU member state is responsible for the person seeking protection in compliance with the Dublin Convention.

This means that anyone who entered Germany via another EU country should not receive any support, in order to avoid possible incentives to come to Germany.

A growing number of illegal migrations is affecting Europe. As a target country similar to Germany, the focus is on Austria.

Last week, Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) and Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP) already called for a reduction in benefits for people entitled to humanitarian protection in other EU countries, but they refuse because they would rather leave. in Germany.

The answer came immediately from the coalition partner, the vice president of the Green Party, Andreas Audretsch, who told "Tagesspiegel" that Germany is currently experiencing a race of rhetorical escalation from different directions.

Andreas Audretsch believes that work incentives should be created.

Purchasing power in the eurozone, Luxembourg - KosovaPress

"The modern welfare state is not a net to stretch out, but a springboard for work and success," he said.

The FDP says that German society needs an effective performance-based welfare state that unequivocally recognizes that those who work should always have much more than those who do not.

There is currently no functioning payment card system for refugees in Germany. A pilot test of this system existed in Erding, but was suspended in 2020 due to the bankruptcy of Wirecard. Only Bavaria, Hamburg and the city of Hanover are currently preparing payment cards for refugees.

With different functions: in Hannover, the payment card must function like a regular cash card. On the other hand, Bavaria plans a payment card with many restrictions. With it, users could only withdraw a "small amount" and only where they live.

There are also only a few examples of payment card systems at the international level.

In France, refugees are given a debit card with financial assistance that they can use to pay in shops as cash withdrawals are not possible. In Great Britain, recognized refugees are given a debit card which is topped up weekly with around €55 per person.

These are the most economically stable countries in the world - KosovaPress

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