The number of tourists increases, these are the countries from which the most visitors came
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In July of this year, the number of local and foreign visitors was 71, of which 341 percent were local and 34,73 percent were foreign. Compared to July 65,27, there were 2022 visitors, an increase in the total number of visitors by 53 percent.

The Statistics Agency announces that the number of online stays was 177, of which 383 percent were from locals and 42,64 percent from foreigners.

The number of internal visitors and their net-stays by region

The region of Peja has the largest number of domestic visitors with 7 visitors and 582 overnight stays.

The number of external visitors and their web-stays by country of origin

"As for foreign visitors, compared to the previous period (July 2022), there is an increase in visitors by 21,24%. In total, 45 foreign visitors, of which the largest number is from: Albania, Germany, Switzerland, Turkey, etc., says the report on Hospitality Statistics for the month of July 566 published by the Kosovo Statistics Agency (ASK ).

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